The Smartphone module is a practical mobile commercial solution, completely integrated and synchronized with the MGest application. Created to be able to connect at any time and anywhere with MGest. Ideal for commercials, since you can show your articles / services directly to the client, at the same time you create budgets, orders or delivery notes.Main features:• Responsive design, which adapts to both tablets and smartphones.• Allows offline use (without the need for good Internet coverage).• Clients assigned to each commercial or commission agent.• Sales circuit (budgets, orders or delivery notes).• Sales with several slideshow views of images of the articles filtered by catalog, which facilitates the sale in a totally visual way.• Sales by detail or product description.• Capture of the clients signature.• Management of articles with images.• Management of families and subfamilies.• Customer Management.• Management of work orders.• Sales statistics.• Offline synchronization with local MGest and via Internet.